Choir meets on Wednesday nights at 7:45 p.m. It is open for anyone in middle school and up. Below is our commitment and guidelines.
• I will regularly attend practices as scheduled.
• I will make an effort to be on time for all practices and services.
• I will be attentive and cooperative with those directing rehearsals.
• I will make every effort to create an atmosphere of love, acceptance and unity among team members. I will lift up others in my actions, deeds and words. I will let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in the sight of God. (Proverbs
18:7-8; 21:23).
•I will protect the testimony of Christ and His Church by living a Christian lifestyle both inside and outside of Church. Should I have a time of struggle or conflict that would hinder my testimony of Christ, I will seek counsel from the Lead Pastor.
• I will build my faith through regular Church attendance and personal devotions.
• I understand that my actions on the platform are to encourage and not distract the congregation in worship.
• I understand the platform dress code should be modest in appearance.
• I understand that services will be planned and prepared with purpose. Freedom will be given to the leadership of the Holy Spirit in our gatherings. Meaning: be flexible!
• Be a "born again" Christian (Christ-follower)
• Be a regular attender of VLC
• Middle School or older
• Have a desire to magnify and worship the Lord.
• Have an ability to sing and blend with others.
Our Motivation: To love the Lord our God with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength.
Our Priority: To glorify the Lord and minister to others through life and song.
Choir meets every Wednesday night at 7:45 pm in the Sanctuary and meets Sunday at 9:15 am.
• Sunday Worship
Choir will prepare music for ministering on Sunday mornings.
Opportunities for ensembles, quartets and solos may be provided in keeping with service direction.
•Musical Productions
The Choir participates in seasonal presentations like Christmas, Easter, and 4th of July. Special productions are also planned with World Missions emphasis.
•Christmas Spectacular
Is an annual event that involves multiple churches in the celebration of Christmas with choir, orchestra, drama, and special effects.
It is our desire to involve the choir in local outreach through testimony and song.
Please pray with us for open doors to share the Good News!